For my eighth hour of observation, I did an hour of online observation. The video I used for my online observation was taken in an English class at Sapporo Nichidai High school. The classroom was set up very similarly to the classrooms that I performed in-person observations in with groups of four desks spread around the room. The video was a recording of when the class had a guest professor from the applied linguistics department at Otaru University. The professor came into the classroom, introduced himself to the students, and began speaking about the English program at Otaru University. The professor then handed out worksheets for the students to complete amongst their groups and asked the students questions about the worksheets to check their understanding. After all, the groups had completed the worksheets. The professor began to speak more in-depth about the English program at Otaru University. While speaking, the professor made sure to ask the students questions to keep them engaged and also to ensure that he was speaking in an understandable way for them. The general mood in the class seemed to be good as the guest professor would make jokes and incorporated humour into his presentation.