My sixth and seventh hours of teaching happened back to back on the same day. For both of these hours, I led the students in a rotation of various station activities. For this day I chose to work with two readings from the student’s textbooks that they had yet to cover. Throughout the first hour, I split the class into four groups and had each group work on one station for fifteen minutes. At the end of the time each group swapped until all had completed each of the four stations. This first hour of the class had two activities per reading. The second hour of the class had only three stations. Due to this, the four initial groups were merged into two larger groups that rotated between the three stations. The activities in the second hour each pulled aspects, vocabulary, and answers from both of the assigned readings. Overall I feel that these two hours of teaching are the ones that made me begin to feel comfortable teaching. Prior to these two hours, I tended to feel uncomfortable in the teaching role however I noticed that as time progressed within these two hours I began to relax and felt more comfortable within my role. This comfortability stayed with me for the majority of my remaining hours of teaching.