For my ninth hour of observation, I observed another hour of online teaching. This time I observed an English class in South Korea. Although the video did not specify which level this class was, it is clear from the classroom that the video takes place in an elementary or middle school classroom.  This class was interesting to me because it had two teachers which I had not previously seen in a class I was observing. The class started with the two teachers quickly reviewing a topic before introducing the class to the day’s topic. After introducing them to the topic, the teachers began by demonstrating a conversation and having the students repeat the conversation multiple times. This repeatedly continued with different conversations. The teachers checked the student’s understanding by selecting multiple random students to then repeat the conversation out loud. The main skill language skill used in this class was speaking however for some of the practice sentences, students were required to read them alone initially and then repeat them out loud. This worked the students reading skills into the activity as well. The teachers kept the students engaged throughout the activities by having them stand up, move around, work in groups, and by handing out tickets. These tickets would be given to students who participated and were to be handed back at the end of class. I thought that the tickets were an interesting way to measure the class’s participation at the end by seeing how many had been handed out throughout the class while also keeping students engaged and eager to participate.